- Personal Profile -

She was born in Seoul, south KOREA and graduated at Yonsei Uni. music college(B.A.) in Korea and Karsruhe Musik Hochschule in Germany(K.A.)

In 1979,she began to play as a main role in several opera in Korea, including National Opera Group and Kim,Ja-Kyung Opera Group.

She was interested in the contemporary music and she has been participating actively as a soloist at the contemporary music festivals, including "A.Berg Tage" (Karlsruhe,Germany)"Seoul Music Festival","Pan Music festival"(Korea), "Mini Festival"(Hungary) "Exchange-music concert"(Taiwan), Exchange concert between America and Korea(New-york).

She participated as a soloist of "Symphony of Thousand",composed by G. Mahler for opening ceremony of Seoul Art Center and in 1989, was invited as a soloist of 4th Symphony, composed by G. Mahler ,performed by Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra (Cond. Jae-Dong Chung)

She played a leading role at several contemporary Operas, including "Marriage"(Suk-Jun Gong) "Der Traum des Liu-Tung" "Die Witwe des Schmettering"(composed by Isang YUN) "Die Kluge"(composed by C.Orff) "Manekiny"(composed by Z.Rudzinski) "Das Ehe Paar""A Light of Love"(composed by Byung-Dong PAIK)

Especially,she was invited as a soloist at K.Penderecky music festival in 1998, Poland and at the special concert, titled "The Anthem for the New Century", sponsored and performed by Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra in 2001,Japan.

Moreover, she participated as a soloist at the special concert, sponsored by Luxembourg sinfonietta (cond. Wengler) in 2007,Luxembourg.

She has worked as a professor at Sung-gyul Uni. music college, as a part time teather at Seoul city Uui.music college, Yonsei music college, Kyoungwon music college, Chugye music college etc.

At present, she is teaching at Seoul-Yego, Seoul-yewon, Gyewon art school and

working as a member of "The Association of Korean Art Song" "The Association of German Song" "The Association of French Song" and The Association of Baroque and Contemporary Song"

Especially, she is working actively as a president of VECM-vocal ensemble of contemporary music, which have 22years histories.


- Education -

o 1972.3 - 1975.2 Graduated at Poong-Moon High-school

o 1975.3 -1979.2 Graduated at Yonsei University,music college, majored the vocal(B.A).

o 1983 - 1986 Graduated at Karlsruhe Musik Hochschule, majored vocal(K.A.)


- Experience -

o 2004 - Current Professor of Sung-kyul University, music college

o 2000 - Current Part time teacher of Seoul Arts High School

o 1997 - Current President of "VECM" (Vocal Ensemble of Contemporary Music)

o 2004 - 2005 President of "The Association of Korean Art Song"